DISCLAIMER: The information provided below is a summary of the project. Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email only to Plan Holders with email addresses, and will be posted on the DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site.
DPW is not liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with the use of, or any reliance upon, any information contained on this website. The bid information is subject to typographical error.

Contract Details

Public Works ID No:
RFQ SF Municipal Transportation Agency Garage Assessment
Request for Bids or Qualifications/Proposals
Estimated Cost/Contract Amount:
Approximately $2,200,000.00
Due Date:
Due Time:
Bid/Proposal Submission Location:
Proposers shall log in and upload complete proposals into the SF City Partner Website, https://sfcitypartner.sfgov.org/pages/index.aspx
548 consecutive calendar days
Project Zip Code:
Advertisement Date:
Contact Type Contact Name Contact Email
Contract Administrator Belle Macaranas ContractAdmin.Staff@sfdpw.org
Contract Compliance Officer (CMD) Sheila Tagle sheila.tagle@sfgov.org
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference
Prospective Proposers must sign up for the virtual live stream event in advance of the Pre-Proposal Conference via this link https://forms.office.com/g/4kP9JkEn53. Please ensure to indicate if you will be attending in person or virtually. All attendees must register to ensure they receive the Microsoft Teams meeting invitation. Kindly note that failure to RSVP may result in difficulties accessing the meeting, even with the Meeting Conference ID. Please join the Microsoft Teams Meeting via the provided link Click here to join the meeting via link or call +1 415-906-4659. Phone Conference ID: 543 290 819#
Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 3:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) via an Audio/Virtual Conference through Microsoft Teams. Physical presence is not required.
Project Scope
Project Description
Request for Qualifications SF Municipal Transportation Agency Garage Assessment
San Francisco Public Works (Public Works), a department of the City and County of San Francisco (City), announces a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), seeking qualified suppliers (“Proposers”) to provide proposals for facility assessment on nineteen (19) public garages managed by San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco Recreation and Park Department.
The contract resulting from this RFQ will have an initial term of sixteen (16) months. The City intends to award one (1) contract with the anticipated contract amount of $2,200,000 for the initial term. Public Works reserves the right to commence, close, reduce, increase the contract amount, and change the number of contracts to be awarded, consistent with the City requirements.
Project Links
RFQ 8628 Announcement
Bid Results
Bid Documents
DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site
Insurance Type Amount
  1. A Local Business Enterprise (LBE) sub-consulting requirement of 20% of the total value of services to be procured is applicable for this project. Further details on the Contract Monitoring Division (CMD) requirements can be found in the RFQ. Rating bonuses may apply to resulting contracts for eligible LBE/LBE Joint Venture proposers in accordance with the San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 14B. For CMD-related inquiries, please contact Michelle Kassatly, the CMD Contract Compliance Officer for the SFPUC, at 408-641-8031 or michelle.kassatly@sfgov.org.
  2. B. Prospective Proposers must sign up for the virtual live stream event in advance of the Pre-Proposal Conference via this link https://forms.office.com/g/4kP9JkEn53. Upon registration, the Microsoft Teams meeting invitation will be issued to the attendees.
  3. C. Any questions regarding the RFQ must be submitted by 5:00 PM, PDT on Friday, June 21, 2024 via email to the Contract Administrator at ContractAdmin.Staff@Sfdpw.org
  4. Limitations on Communications During Solicitation. From the date this Solicitation is issued until the date the competitive process of this Solicitation is completed (either by cancelation or final Award), Proposers and their subcontractors, vendors, representatives and/or other parties under Proposer’s control, shall communicate solely with the Contract Administrator whose name appears in this Solicitation. Any attempt to communicate with any party other than the Contract Administrator whose name appears in this Solicitation – including any City official, representative or employee – is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this communications protocol may, at the sole discretion of City, result in the disqualification of the Proposer or potential Proposer from the competitive process. This protocol does not apply to communications with the City regarding business not related to this Solicitation.
Bid Documents or RFQ/P Package
  1. Digital files of the RFP, RFP Attachments, Addenda, and other supporting documents may be downloaded at no cost through the SF City Partner Website at https://sfcitypartner.sfgov.org/.
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