DISCLAIMER: The information provided below is a summary of the project. Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email only to Plan Holders with email addresses, and will be posted on the DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site.
DPW is not liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with the use of, or any reliance upon, any information contained on this website. The bid information is subject to typographical error.

Contract Details

Public Works ID No:
South Sunset Clubhouse Renovation [CITYWIDE PLA]
Request for Bids or Qualifications/Proposals
Estimated Cost/Contract Amount:
Approximately $2,500,000.00
Due Date:
Due Time:
Bid/Proposal Submission Location:
Bids shall be submitted online via ShareFile until 2:30:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, after which the bid opening will be conducted live online via Microsoft Teams. Contract Administration will email the Microsoft Teams meeting information to all Plan Holders approximately 24 hours prior to Bid opening.
280 consecutive calendar days
Project Zip Code:
Advertisement Date:
Contact Type Contact Name Contact Email
Project Manager Jeannine Kane Jeannine.Kane@sfgov.org
Contract Compliance Officer Ivan Oldenkamp Ivan.Oldenkamp@sfgov.org
City’s Contractor Development Program City’s Contractor Development Program cdp@imwis.com
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference
A pre-bid meeting will be held on site on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 1:00 PM at the existing South Sunset Clubhouse located at 2601 40th Avenue, San Francisco.
Project Scope
Project Description
Scope of Work: South Sunset Clubhouse is a 2,600-square-foot, one-story clubhouse which includes a multi-purpose room, restrooms, a kitchen, and an office. The building, originally constructed in 1949, was last renovated in 1992 and is in need of repair to better serve the community. The project proposes the renovation of interior spaces in the clubhouse, access improvements, and beautification. Exterior modifications include window alterations at all facades and removal of non-historic window screens at north facade.
Insurance Type Amount
  1. On July 1, 2014, the registration program under section 1725.5 of the California Labor Code went into effect. The program requires that all contractors and subcontractors who bid or work on a public works project register and pay an annual fee to the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”).
  2. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed in a bid or awarded a contract for a public works project unless registered with the DIR as required by Labor Code section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code section 1771.1(a)].
  3. This Project shall incorporate the required partnering elements for Partnering Level 2. Refer to Section 01 31 33 for more details.
  4. Pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code (“Administrative Code”) Section 6.25 and Chapter 25 of the Environment Code, “Clean Construction” is required for the performance of all work.
  5. The Specifications include liquidated damages. Contract will be on a Lump Sum Bid Items basis. Progressive payments will be made.
  6. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible responsive bidder.
  7. A bid may be rejected if the City determines that any of the bid item prices are materially unbalanced to the potential detriment of the City.
  8. Bid discounts may be applied as per Administrative Code Chapter 14B. LBE Subcontracting Participation Requirement is 20%. For details, contact Ivan Oldenkamp by phone at (415) 554-0630 or by email at Ivan.Oldenkamp@sfgov.org. In accordance with Administrative Code Chapter 14B requirements good faith efforts may apply. Refer to CMD Form 2B.
  9. For information on the City’s Contractor Development Program, call (415) 986-3999 or email cdp@imwis.com. A corporate surety bond or certified check for ten percent (10%) of the amount bid must accompany each bid. Administrative Code Section 6.22(a) requires all construction greater than $25,000 to include performance and payment bonds for 100% of the contract award.
  10. Class "B" license is required to bid.
  11. In accordance with Administrative Code Chapter 6, no bid is accepted and no contract in excess of Threshold is awarded by the City and County of San Francisco until such time as the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee approves the contract for award, and the Director of Public Works then issues an order of award. Pursuant to Charter Section 3.105, all contract awards are subject to certification by the Controller as to the availability of funds. Beginning on September 1, 2022, no Bid is accepted and no contract in excess of the Threshold Amount is awarded by the City and County of San Francisco until such time the Director of Public Works recommends the contract for award and the Public Works Commission then adopts a resolution awarding the Contract.
  12. Minimum wage rates for this project must comply with the current General Prevailing Wage as determined by the State Department of Industrial Relations. Minimum wage rates other than applicable to General Prevailing Wage must comply with Administrative Code Chapter 12P, Minimum Compensation Ordinance. In addition, the San Francisco Citywide Project Labor Agreement (PLA) became effective on July 14, 2020. This Contract is a Covered Project and Bidders are advised that the PLA is incorporated into the contract documents. More information about the PLA can be found at: https://sfgov.org/olse/citywide-project-labor-agreement.
  13. This Project is subject to the requirements of the San Francisco Local Hiring Policy for Construction ("Policy") as set forth in Administrative Code Section 6.22(g). Bidders are hereby advised that the requirements of the Policy will be incorporated as a material term of any contract awarded for the Project. Refer to Section 00 73 30 of the Project Manual for more information.
  14. Bidders are hereby advised that the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded must be certified by the Contract Monitoring Division as being in compliance with the Equal Benefits Provisions of Chapter 12B of the Administrative Code within two weeks after notification of award.
  15. If a bidder objects on any ground to any bid specification or legal requirement imposed by this Advertisement for Bids, the bidder shall, no later than the 10th working day prior to the date of Bid opening, provide written notice to the Contract Administration Division, San Francisco Public Works, setting forth with specificity the grounds for the objection.
  16. Right reserved to reject any or all bids and waive any minor irregularities.
Bid Documents or RFQ/P Package
  1. Digital files of Bid Documents, Plan Holders Lists, and Addenda may be downloaded at no cost from the Department of Public Works (DPW) Electronic Bid Documents Download site at the https://bsm.sfdpw.org/ContractAdmin/
  2. Please visit the Contracts, Bids and Payments webpage at http://www.sfpublicworks.org for more information (click on Resources > Contractor Resources).
  3. Notices regarding Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email to Plan Holders.
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