DISCLAIMER: The information provided below is a summary of the project. Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email only to Plan Holders with email addresses, and will be posted on the DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site.
DPW is not liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with the use of, or any reliance upon, any information contained on this website. The bid information is subject to typographical error.

Contract Details

Public Works ID No:
RFQP CM/GC San Francisco Fire Department Division Of Training Project
Request for Bids or Qualifications/Proposals
Estimated Cost/Contract Amount:
Approximately $145,000,000.00
Due Date:
Due Time:
Bid/Proposal Submission Location:
Proposers shall submit their Proposal Package electronically as specified herein to the RFQP, by 3:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
consecutive calendar days
Project Zip Code:
Advertisement Date:
Contact Type Contact Name Contact Email
Project Manager Scott Moran Scott.Moran@sfdpw.org
CMD Officer James Chung James.Chung@sfgov.org
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference
Microsoft Team Link located in RFQP Meeting ID: 296 235 368 782 Passcode: Tk7cY3Mx Dial in by phone +1 415-906-4659,,954320868# United States, San Francisco Find a local number Phone conference ID: 954 320 868#
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 10:00am at 49 South Van Ness Avenue and via an Audio/Virtual Conference through Microsoft Teams. Physical presence is strongly recommended but not required. Public Works encourages all Proposers and Proposers ‘representatives to attend on time. All proposers attending the pre-proposal conference will receive fifteen (15) points towards its San Francisco Contract Monitoring Division’s (CMD) “Good Faith Outreach” requirement.
Project Scope
Project Description
San Francisco Public Works (“Public Works”) announces a Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFQP”) inviting interested parties to submit their qualifications and a competitive proposal to provide pre-construction, construction management, general contracting and value engineering services from trade subcontractors for the San Francisco Fire Department Division of Training (“SFFD DOT”). Interested parties responding (“Respondents”) to this RFQP are to be Construction Manager/General Contractors (“CM/GC”) teams capable of performing preconstruction services, as well as construction services, including but not limited to, constructability reviews, cost estimating, schedule development and validation, and development of complex construction phasing and logistics sequencing that integrates engineering controls. The future site of the SFFD DOT site is located at 1236 Carroll Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124
Work shall comply with all applicable building codes and regulatory agencies’ standards having jurisdiction over the design, construction, and operation of the SFFD DOT.
Insurance Type Amount
  1. The CM/GC will be referred to as the “CM/GC Team” or “Proposer.” During the Pre-construction Phase, the CM/GC Team will perform design reviews, cost analysis/reconciliation, constructability reviews, and value engineering to ensure the Project’s programmatic requirements are understood and the budgetary constraints can be met.
  2. Minimum Qualifications are included in this RFQP (see Section IX). Only Proposers deemed qualified will be considered for evaluation and contract award.
  3. RFQP Questions: Written questions regarding the RFQP shall be submitted to scott.moran@sfdpw.org by no later than 3:00 PM, December 16, 2024.
  4. This contract is subject to the San Francisco Citywide Project Labor Agreement – see Section 00 73 34 Project Labor Agreement.
  5. Proposers must submit a Safety Prequalification Form, along with corresponding OSHA forms, per San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 6 requirement for all City construction contracts. Submittal of these forms is required with Proposal submittal. Approval of this documentation and the Safety Prequalification evaluation is required prior to award.
  6. The requirements of the Local Business Enterprise Ordinance set forth in Chapter 14B of the San Francisco Administrative Code as it now exists or as it may be amended in the future (collectively the “LBE Ordinance”) shall apply to this RFQP.
  7. To be eligible for award of this contract, Proposers must agree to comply with the following Local Business Enterprise (“LBE”) requirements authorized by San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12B, Section 12B.4, and Chapter 14B (where applicable), and their implementing Rules and Regulations.
  8. For more information regarding the Contract Monitoring Division (CMD) requirements, see also Section XIV.
  9. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed in a bid or awarded a contract for a public works project unless registered with the DIR as required by Labor Code section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for proposal purposes only under Labor Code section 1771.1(a)].
  10. Minimum wage rates for this project must comply with the current General Prevailing Wage as determined by the State Department of Industrial Relations. Minimum wage rates other than applicable to General Prevailing Wage must comply with San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12P, Minimum Compensation Ordinance.
  11. In accordance with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 6, no proposal is accepted and no contract in excess of $1 Million is awarded by the City and County of San Francisco until such time as (a) the Public Works Commission approves the contract for award and (b) the Director of Public Works then issues an order of award. Pursuant to Charter Section 3.105, all contract awards are subject to certification by the Controller as to the availability of funds.
Bid Documents or RFQ/P Package
  1. Digital files of the RFQP Package may be downloaded at no cost at: https://bsm.sfdpw.org/ContractAdmin/Login.aspx. Notices regarding Addenda and other proposal changes will be posted on https://bidopportunities.apps.sfdpw.org. It is the responsibility of Proposers to confirm receipt of any and all Addenda issued for this RFQP.
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