DISCLAIMER: The information provided below is a summary of the project. Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email only to Plan Holders with email addresses, and will be posted on the DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site.
DPW is not liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with the use of, or any reliance upon, any information contained on this website. The bid information is subject to typographical error.

Contract Details

Public Works ID No:
Gene Friend Recreation Center Project - CM/GC: Trade Package
Request for Bids or Qualifications/Proposals
Estimated Cost/Contract Amount:
Due Date:
Due Time:
Bid/Proposal Submission Location:
consecutive calendar days
Project Zip Code:
Advertisement Date:
Contact Type Contact Name Contact Email
Project Manager Jeff Stephenson jstephenson@swinerton.com
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference
Project Scope
Project Description
Gene Friend Recreation Center Project (a CM/GC Project) Trade Package The proposed SFRPD Gene Friend Recreation Center project will consists of complete demolition of the existing recreation center and site and construction of a new recreation center of approximately 25,000-GSF and all new site and landscape.
Link below is to Swinerton’s BuildingConnected.com bid portal, where all bid documents are located. https://app.buildingconnected.com/public/565395ced928350a00e70b61/projects/667056623cd4e701c1fd1281
Insurance Type Amount
  1. Current Advertisement:
  2. 7/16/2024 - Trade Package: BP31.1 - Earthwork & BP33.1 - Site Utilities
  3. 7/19/2024 - Trade Package: BP05.1 – Structural Steel
  4. 7/26/2024 - Trade Package: BP05.2 - Metal Decking, BP07.1 - Below Grade Waterproofing, BP07.2 - Metal Wall Panel Systems, BP07.3 - Roofing & Waterproofing, BP07.4 - Sheet Metal Flashing, BP07.5 - Thermal Insulation, BP08.2 - Glass & Glazing, BP09.1 - Cement Plastering, BP09.8 - Architectural Fin System.
  5. 8/16/2024 - Trade Package - BP33.1 – Site Utilities REBID.
Bid Documents or RFQ/P Package
  1. Link below is to Swinerton’s BuildingConnected.com bid portal, where all bid documents are located. https://app.buildingconnected.com/public/565395ced928350a00e70b61/projects/667056623cd4e701c1fd1281
  2. Subcontractors Prequalification: All subcontractors must be prequalified with Swinerton before submitting bids. Bids will not be accepted if the subcontractor has not initiated the prequalification process. Please use the link below to start the process. Send any questions to subcontractorprequal@swinerton.com. Prequal Link: https://swinerton.com/subcontractor-prequalification/ All bidders will be expected to enter into a Master Service Agreement upon award.
  3. Project Labor Agreement: Please refer to Project Manual sections 00 52 10 & 00 73 34.
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